Mabon Red Moon Drum Birthing Retreat Booking Information

Mobile: Ros Simons +44 (0) 7791 466619
Postal address: Ros Simons The Anchorage Ardpatrick Tarbert Argyll & Bute PA29 6YA

Booking and Payment Instructions

Please Read the Terms & Conditions carefully you attention is drawn to clauses 3 and 5 in particular:

Retain a copy of this information as it forms our contract with you and by making a payment you are agreeing to the terms & conditions

  • Your place on the Drum birthing Retreat is only guaranteed once deposit has been received. Payments received will be confirmed by email.  Receipts are only sent on request
  • Deposits are non refundable
  • If you cancel your attendance for any reason, the following charges apply:
    • Cancellation 4 weeks or less before retreat commencement: 50% of the total retreat fee will be due less the deposit already received
    • Cancellation 2 weeks or less before after retreat commencement: 100% of the course fee is due less the deposit already received
  • Under exceptional circumstances Ros Simons reserves the right to cancel any course for whatever reason and return monies paid without further liability
  • please note a minimum of six people are required to run this event
  1. Complete the booking form:
  • Please fill in and submit the form below.
  • Pay your deposit of £157 GBP by:
  • Bank transfer using a Payment Reference of your initials & RMDBR eg Ros Simons would be RSRMDBR

(this is our preferred option of payment if possible, thanks) Cheque (made payable to Ros Simons) to the postal address above

  • Contact us direct if you live outside the UK to set up PayPal (additional fees incurred)
  • You may choose to pay for the course in full by remitting the total amount of £727 / £777
  •  by the 30th August 2025
  • You may also pay the balance via instalments if you wish – please select the appropriate option on the booking form.
  1. Set up your instalment payments: Your first instalment payment (1 of 12 payments of £54 GBP) is due on the 30th September 2024 and the final payment on the 30th August 2025
  • We recommend that you set these bank transfer payments up in advance
  • If paying by cheque please allow extra time for postage and banking of at least 10 working days for each payment.

Practical Information

Please make direct bank transfer payments to:
Rosalind Simons: sort code 60-83-71: account number: 30595637 

Booking Form


  • ensure that you read and understand the Terms & Conditions before signing
  • type or write very clearly
  • inform Ros  of any changes to the below information as soon as possible

Terms & Conditions

This information should be read carefully before booking any course or activity with Ros Simons. Upon completion, submission and acceptance in writing of the booking form, the clients/participants named on the booking form will have entered into a binding contract on the basis of the following terms and conditions. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Ros Simons refers to Ros Simons, The Anchorage, Ardpatrick, Tarbert Argyll & Bute PA29 6YA

The Client refers to the person named on the booking form

  1. Agreement

Any agreement based on the outline terms and conditions arises upon the fulfilment of the following: 

(a) Receipt and clearance in Ros Simons’ bank account of full payment or deposit in section 2 below, a fully completed booking form and acceptance by Ros Simons in writing.

(b) That the signature on the booking form is taken as the client attending the course or by a legally recognised agent of the client for and on their behalf. The agreement is governed by English and Scottish Law.

(c) The agreement is between Ros Simons and the client(s) on the booking form and is the sole agreement between those parties

(d) Ros Simons reserves the right to refuse bookings to any party or individual without the need to give reasons solely at their discretion and will return any payment accompanying the booking

(e) No variation of these Terms & Conditions shall be applicable unless agreed in writing by Ros Simons before the course start date.

  1. Payment

Unless a separate payment plan has been agreed by both parties, fees, as specified in the Booking Instructions, must be paid in full by the date(s) specified on the Booking Instructions and Joining Confirmation. If not paid timeously, Ros Simons reserves the right to treat the agreement as cancelled by the client(s) pursuant to clause 4 below.

(a) Deposit for the course is to be paid at time of booking form submission.

(b) Monthly payments are to be made on the 30th of the month beginning September 2024 and completing the 12th payment on 30th August 2025.

  1. Cancellation by Client

If the booking is cancelled by the client for any reason the following charges will be applied:

(a) All deposits are non refundable

(b) Cancellation more than 8 weeks before the commencement of the course, will result in the deposit being retained but can be transferred to another course (subject to availability and agreement with Ros Simons)

(c) Cancellation less than 4 weeks before course commencement 50% of the course fee will be payable

(d) Cancellation less than 2 weeks before course commencement 100% of the course fee is due

  1. Variation of course contents by Ros Simons

A Ros Simons course is, by its very nature, subject to natural variables and whilst every reasonable effort is made to maintain course content, we reserve the right to vary or modify a course itinerary at short notice in order to take advantage of differnet information. The client acknowledges that information about courses provided by Ros Simons is given to the best of our ability but because of the variability of nature it may be reasonable to alter or modify a course and that in such circumstances it is not reasonable for Ros Simons to be liable for any losses consequential on such a change and that Ros Simons’s liability is limited accordingly.

  1. Client Conduct

Ros Simons clients are expected to behave in a reasonable manner at all times. This is especially important in the Facebook group where our values of Balance, Respect, Integrity and Sacredness will be honoured.

The Client will not share the monthly correspondances pdf file and related links belonging to this course with others. Ros Simons has spent time and resources over many years preparing the course and ensuring that she is fully trained – it would be disrespectful of the energetic and financial exchange between her and the client for the client to share this work outside the course.

Ros Simons reserves the right to remove any client(s) from the course at her discretion without recourse to repayment for that course and against the client(s) will if necessary. Circumstances that may warrant exclusion from a course include (without limitation): abusive behaviour and inappropriate or unsafe use of the course content. For removal of any party under such conditions, Ros Simons will not be liable for any losses as a result and Ros Simons are entitled to any reasonable costs arising from removal of said client(s) payable upon demand. 

  1. Insurance

Ros Simons is covered to a level of £5,000,000 for public liability and is insured as an outdoor activity provider, aromatherapist, sound therapist, crystal therapist, reiki practitioner.

Our clients are advised to provide their own personal insurance cover. Please take note of conditions in your policy with regard to “hazardous activities” and “working with hand tools”. International course clients are advised to ensure full coverage against cancellation of a course.

  1. Liability

The client recognises that they are fully responsible for their own health, safety and wellbeing at all times. This course includes working with tuning forks and other practices which may or may not be recommended / suitable for the client. The duty to remain informed about any potential contraindications falls firmly with the client. If you are in any doubt about your ability to participate in any aspect of the course, please contact your GP before booking. You should note that participation in any of the course aspects is totally voluntary and you may decide to opt out of anything that is not suitable for you.

The client recognises attendance of this course in no way qualifies them to teach the course content; it is not intended that any instructions provided to any client(s) while on the course will in any way qualify those client(s) to instruct any third party & no warranty is made to that effect. Ros Simons hereby exclude any liability they might have to any third party in respect of any loss or damage suffered or incurred by that third party in its reliance on any skills taught by any client(s) on the basis of having attended any Ros Simons course. Ros Simons accepts no responsibility for any mishap during a course from any instruction or information not given by Ros Simons appointed instructors or assistants. Ros Simons also takes no responsibility for any mishaps occurring as a result of the client’s failure to follow instructions. Ros Simons will only accept liability for physical injury to a client that is shown to result from negligence on the part of Ros Simons.

  1. Cancellation by Ros Simons

In the event that Ros Simons cancels the course, all monies will be refunded in full, or if preferred, transferred as a deposit for another course. Ros Simons reserves the right to cancel all and any bookings without reason or notice. Under these unlikely circumstances Ros Simons agrees to repay in full all and any deposits of course fees to the client.

  1. Complaints

In the unlikely event that a client has cause for complaint about a Ros Simons course, the complaint should be made to a representative of Ros Simons during the event in order that corrective action can be taken if necessary. The client acknowledges that it is unreasonable not to raise an issue during a course but to complain later. If the complaint is about a member of staff then please contact the office and we shall inform you of the complaints procedure and take the necessary action. Any complaint must be made immediately. Ros Simons will not accept a complaint after the end of the course. However should the problem not be resolved satisfactorily, a complaint should be made in writing within 28 days or this complaint will not be upheld.